I have always been fascinated by the visual similarities between surfaces seen from very far away and those from very close up. Some of my mixed media artwork in the past has made comparisons between what one might term the macroscopic and the microscopic. This is kind of explored in the Power of Ten film that featured in one of my earlier posts.
Through my aerial photographs I have had the opportunity to explore the surface of the earth on a large scale, but I am now eager to try and explore nature on a very small scale. To that end, I have just ordered a digital microscope that supposedly magnifies as much as 1000 times. The resolution of the photographs it takes is not huge so I will have to wait and see what the quality is like and how I might be able to use the images. I somehow don’t think the gadget will be able to capture images like the one above, but I am currently excited by the potential of what might be possible.
Previously I have had to rely on secondary images of the minature world for my inspiration but I hope I might now be able to create my own. This is similar to how my drone has allowed me to take my own photographs looking down at the world rather than having to use satellite images. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself but I am already thinking about ways the macro and the micro might be combined or contrasted in some new photoworks and/or prints! I will let you know how I get on once the new bit of kit arrives.